
Soon to be seen in Eindhoven Parktheater >>>

A crone is more than just an older woman – she is an embodiment of deep, lived wisdom. Connected to herself, the world, and the unseen, she looks with her heart and speaks with the voice of her soul. She carries the marks of time and experience, not as a burden, but as a source of strength and insight. A crone is a living work of art, a guide, and a gift to her community.

Mothers, healers, guardians of ancient knowledge – crones come in many forms. The women you see here, I met during my travels, from the vast steppes of Mongolia to the towering peaks of the Himalayas. In their presence, something happened to me: a spontaneous slowing down, a quiet wonder. Even now, I am touched when I look at them, as if they reflect something deep within me.

I hope they make you pause for a moment too, even if it’s just for a small smile of recognition. 

Sustainable Art 
I continually strive to lessen the impact that manufacturing has on the environment. Therefore I use FineArt inkjet papers made of raw plant fibers that grow quickly, don’t require pesticides, and don’t need optical brighteners. Besides eco-friendly, the result is a museum quality for high age resistance print with a rough, yet delicately defined surface texture that gives the subject a captivating sense of depth.

>>>International shipping on request.

The Seer
Eco of the ancients
Wheel of Wisdom
The Shaman
Inner Light
Golden Grace
The Sacred Seed