About me / Contact
Who am I? Do I have a mission to accomplish? Or what’s this so called life all about? With these (not so small life) questions in mind, I traveled through the far north of Mongolia in October 2018. In this land of the ‘eternal blue sky,’ shamanism was still practiced in its purest form. If there were any answers, the practitioners of this oldest spiritual system in the world should have access to them. It became an unforgettable experience that resulted in the cover story of National Geographic Traveler, a publication in Portrait of Humanity, and the sale of Fine Art prints through Warnars & Warnars art dealers.
Up close and personal
The interest in shamanism proved to be significant. And my curiosity also grew; in Mongolia, I had only caught a glimpse of traveling between worlds, communicating with ancestors, and the healing powers of nature. This left me wanting more. This feeling was reinforced when, shortly after my return, I experienced physical pain – published: LINDA. Zomerboek, Prikken in je bil -, that conventional medicine could not explain or treat. Perhaps part of the solution lay in another (more holistic) realm.
Bizar & briljant moments
And so I visited in 2022 the last piece of heaven on earth – Ladakh – in search of the last healers of the Himalayas. A story that got published in Columbus Travel. Not long after that, I traveled to Sumbawa, where I accidentally bumped into Jacky, two-time world champion adventure racing and Spartan athlete of the year- see my blog Superman. At his invitation, I participated in an intensive detox in Italy, which then led to an unforgettable panchakarma experience in India, and…. so the story continues!
Until we meet!
Everywhere I go, I meet extraordinary people who impart new insights and great wisdom. Where possible, I am trying to pass these on. I guess if there is something called ‘a mission to accomplish’, then this is mine. Although I do come to realize that’s above all it ‘s having fun, and enjoying this crazy beautiful ride while it last.
Ultimately, it’s about the journey, not the destination!
Love, Marie
- hello@marievanderheijden.com
- +316 28 05 05 95
- Marie van der Heijden
- @marie_vanderheijden
- Marie